No, this is not a bad country song, it's real life...the life of Tila Tequila. This past month has been just one bad hangover for Tila Tequila...and her publicist, Jessica Cohen of JCPR, is done holding her hair back. Jessica announced in an email statement to OK! magazine that she is no longer representing the reality star in light of recent events. We don't blame her...who would be able to rep someone who's sole mission is to make a fool of herself wherever she goes, for the pure sake of fame...?
This less-than-tasteful, fame-hunting, MTV reality show star has been the talk of the news lately, and not in a good way. First, Tila announced via Twitter that she would be the surrogate mother to her brother's baby, as a Christmas gift. She tweeted: "BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: I am going to become a SURROGATE MOTHER for my brother & his wife. That is my xmas present to them. I'm pregnant!!!!". (See evidence, publicity stunt #1). Thank god the child will be handed over immediately to the parents...

Tila had already shocked everyone when she announced her shotgun to ex-Johnson and Johnson trust child, 30 year old Casey Johnson, who we all know had been acting erratically herself lately. They released a video documenting the proposal, a total mess fest, which was obviously for media attention. Even Casey admitted this to friends when she called to assure them it was "all for show". (There' publicity stunt #2). However, to some of the public, the pair seemed to be very in love and the story was somewhat believable.
Tila and Casey appeared to be set to head to the alter and through Tila's surrogacy together. However, 7 days after Johnson's last tweet, a maid found the heiress dead in her West Hollywood pad. As her family and friends mourned the tragic death of their loved one, Tila found it appropriate to tweet the death confirmation of "my Wifey Casey Johnson". She continued to milk Casey's death for all it's worth, faking sympathy and pretending to be on the verge of suicide. (stunt #4)
The latest bizarre online update from Tila the star is that she wants custody of Casey's daughter, Ave. (horrible attention attempt #5) Ya, because any judge would rule in her favor on that one...What a sad cry for attention...can we say publicity wh***?

The statement from Tila's ex-publicist, according to OK!, reads as such:
"This is to inform you that I am no longer representing Tila Tequila as her publicist. Some matters need to remain private and away from media attention and due to recent events, I realized that we need to part ways while she deals with the loss of her fiancee..."
Cohen without a doubt made the right move to drop her media-hungry client. If a publicist can't stand by what her client believes in and speak up for their actions, there is no way he/she can effectively promote their image and/or brand. Jessica is a smart and fabulous publicist...jump ship before the whole thing sinks girl! Cheers to her! (and good luck to the next person who tried to represent Ms. Tequila)
Here's the infamous engagement video for your entertainment pleasures...http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/2752605
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