Chanel, beloved Chanel will be raising prices and not giving us a lot of time to scramble for our loose change* to try and cough up enough money to buy those classics! Starting February 1st prices will be raised. Some Chanel employees said from $50-$100 while other said that that classic Chanel jumbo bag everyone dies over will be jumping from $2,650 to $2,995! Now that's not just a jump. I'm calling it a skip, hop and a jump!
The bag is beyond beautiful and there is a waiting list at almost every store, some 100 people deep! How on Earth will we get ours before they decide to remark the price tag?! I don't think Chanel is at all worried about the mass demand they are about to create, it seems like they have the recession right where they want it-in their boutiques! It is definitely an interesting concept, but very sad news for girls like me, who have been drooling over the bag since I first spotted that quilted leather bundle of beauty!
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