Okay, so as we already know (because we've written about it), Tila Tequila is a Publicist's worst nightmare...she is also her own worst nightmare. Just this past month, her very own publicist, Jessica Cohen, released a statement saying that she no longer wanted to represent Tila. Jessica told TMZ, "Some matters need to remain private and away from media attention...I realized we need to part ways while she deals with the loss of her fiancee." Cohen was referring to the recent death of Tila's Fiance, Casey Johnson, which has been just a total fiasco. Known for being the princess of publicity stunts, Tila has done and will likely do anything for media attention, and has gotten a lot of criticism for it.

So, what will this reality star's next publicity stunt be? We think we've found it! Tila Tequila tweeted this Monday morning, on February 1:
@OfficialTila: http://tinyurl.com/ycbobj3 Here's the HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT that took me 1 hour to write!!!
The link takes you to her website, Tila's Hot Spot, where she had posted a lengthy, babbling note to her "Tila Amry", as she likes to call her fans, announcing the launch of her very own management firm. Wow, what a disaster this will be...she is the last person that should ever be in charge of anyone's career, even her own! Being a successful manager and publicist requires a good reputation, credibility, respect...brains..? These are not qualities that this fame-driven TV star possesses, and it is highly unlikely that anyone will take her seriously as a businesswoman.
The company is called "Little Miss Trendsetter Management LLC", and apparently she already manages music acts like Raz B (who's that?), a FORD supermodel, and various other actors, models, and athletes. If you read on in her online letter, she continues to describe her upcoming clients, the Import model who does Go Go Dancing and softcore porn and a Pro Football Player who she says is one of the biggest players out there...ya, uhuh, sure...
One of Tila's most ludicrous statements is that she has "RETIRED from Hollywood to start working behind the scenes" and wants to use her "celebrity to HELP OTHERS instead of just focusing on myself and being self-centered." Who believes her?..we don't. She also claims that she isn't on Twitter and the Internet all the time because she doesn't have a life, it's because she's taking care of business. We don't doubt that Tila, but what kind of business...it appears to be the kind that gets your name in the news..
Sorry, but we seriously doubt that Tila Tequila can do what Jay-Z, P. Diddy, and Russell Simmons are all doing, as she claims she wants to aspire to. Just because you use lots of Caps Lock and exclamation points won't make us believe in you more, Tila. What happened to Casey Johnson is very sad, and Miss Tila credits this career change to Casey watching over her...which is why it's sad that she's using her death as emotional appeal to promote her business. And for the record, the last line in Tequila's post addressed her upcoming concert tour in Australia...so you're staying out of the limelight, huh?...that's what we thought...God help the poor souls who let Tila represent them...and god bless their careers.
Check out the whole saga here
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