As a publicist I am constantly giving advice to others on how to portray oneself in order to achieve the best positive feedback. Like the old saying goes "There is a time and place for everything"; if so if the time is fashion week and the place is a fashion show how do we carry ourselves? Well fashionista.com has released the top 3 rules to abide during that precise time. I agree with these rules and thus I feel that the MSM PR followers should be exposed to them as well.
1. The holder of the list is the gateway to fashion heaven! Therefor just like you would be entering heaven you should be polite and cordial. Fighting your way to the front of the line or being rude to the person with "the list" will in no way help you get in to the show. Most people agree that if you are polite you have a greater chance of getting into the show even if you are not on the list.
2. Don't take advantage of your connections. Yes, networking does put your foot in the fashion door but being respectful of the situation you may be putting someone in is key. Putting someone on the RSVP list that the designer has not requested could compromise that person's job. Every favor has a price and you should be aware of what it may cost others.
3. Understand that this is people's career and that single event may encompass their entire year. Therefor respect that it is not a party it is a business venture. Don't worry there are plenty of after-parties where you can celebrate the amazing display of creativity you just witnessed.

If you can follow those 3 little rules than you'll be sure to gain respect of those who run the shows and thus have many more opportunities to attend!
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