Here it is, the moment I've been dreading. I'm slowly - but all too surely - approaching my last 24 hours in New York City before I return home to Louisiana.
Farewell, subways and taxis and reliable means of public transportation! Au revoir, pop-overs from David Burke's and Chinese sausage fried rice from Buddakan!
New York, you've been so good to me (minus that one purple gum on my white shorts incident, but I guess I can let that slide)! You might have been unbearably hot some days and annoyingly stormy on others, but it seems you were as happy to have me as I was to be here!
It's funny. Eight weeks ago when I moved here for an internship, I never thought I'd miss things like getting on the metro every morning (considering how disgusting I thought it was at first). I never thought I'd exhibit signs of a "real NY-er," but alas, people have come to find that they better not stop and gawk at landmarks when I'm on a mission. Like a true city-dweller, I huff impatiently, brush past them angrily, and glare over my shoulder threateningly - it's an art, really.
I never thought I'd meet so many nice people - even though most still assure me I'm "too nice".(apparently New Yorkers stopped apologizing ages ago). Everyone I've met has never seem put off when I ask where a certain train or avenue or building is. And, as you know, I've had to ask often. (I still consider it a small, personal victory whenever guess the correct direction to head in after I get off the subway.)
Point being, New York, I'm going to miss you. Sure, your traffic is annoying and your cab drivers are kamikazes. And yes, Lebron did choose the Heat over the Knicks (which you'll never forgive, I'm sure). But, honestly, it's been a blast.
Have no fear, faithful readers! I'll still update regularly! I just wanted to brief you on the circumstances under which I'll be writing - just in case I throw you threw a loop if a "y'all" slips out every now and then.
Don't panic, I've just crossed the Mason-Dixon line...but I promise to come back soon.
So you know, here's what you can look forward to:
- an exclusive interview with Eleisha Eagle
- information on orGLAMic, so you know what products are the best - before anyone else
- fast-paced, punchy stories about what's going on in the world of fashion, PR, entertainment, world news, etc.
- including: Argentina's decision to legalize gay marriage; the oil spill supposedly being plugged; what charities your favorite celebs support
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