Sometimes you have to move out of California and get some perspective on the rest of the world once in a while.
I know, shocking, no? Coming from the girl who just uploaded a whole post dedicated to two Hollywood troublemakers.
But seriously, there is more going on this week than just that.
For example, how many of you are excited for Michael Cera's new movie coming out in August: Scott Pilgrim vs. the World? (Raises hand, bounces up and down wildly).
Why, yes, I am highly anticipating the film...but not for reasons you might think.
I'll be honest with you, friends, I have no idea what the movie is about - but that's ok, because I never claimed to know anything about it. What I do know, however, is that there is a contest going on right now involving the home video release that is rocking the online community.
For the past few weeks, talented bands and singer/songwriters have been calling their fan bases into action to vote them into the finals of the contest - and now only two remain: Eleisha Eagle and Gorgeous Get a Gun.
The prize, you ask?
The Grand Prize shall consist of a trip ("Trip") for up to four (4) band members to California (actual city to be determined) during the month of July, 2010 to play a show (or shows) at an event in support of Scott Pilgrim vs. the World ("Movie"). The Trip includes the following: (i) roundtrip ("R/T") economy class airfare for four (4) from the major U.S. gateway airport nearest the winner’s hometown, (ii) three (3) consecutive nights hotel accommodations (standard room, quad occupancy) at a area hotel ("Hotel"), (iii) R/T ground transfers between airport and Hotel. The winning band’s music video may also appear as a bonus feature on the Home Entertainment release of the Movie.
Now you see why there's been a buzzing in the music underground lately - this is a major opportunity, one that could potentially "make" the winner.
And, in my opinion, the winner should be Eleisha Eagle.
Let me backtrack really quick and say: Yes, I did listen to both the songs submitted. I also watched the music videos Eleisha and GGG submitted. In my honest opinion, Eleisha should have this in. the. bag. It seems, though, that this is a classic case of LA versus LA - small town girl versus big town band.
Come on, people, this is a Disney movie waiting to happen!!
Anyway, head over to http://indierockvstheworld.sonicbids.com/UniversalHeadToHead.aspx?b=25 to cast your vote - but do it BEFORE Friday, July 16 at midnight.
Stay tuned, because I've reached out to Eleisha for a Q&A session before the contest ends - let's see if we can get an exclusive with the artist you're all going to wish you had heard about earlier when she makes it big.
For more on Eleisha Eagle, check out her web site at http://eleishaeagle.com.
For more on GGG, check out theirs at www.gorgeousgotagun.com.
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