So I was sure my next post was going to be about something food-related because a) who doesn't love food? and b) I'm snacking while I write. I was sure, until I took a blog-break to browse through Perez Hilton's latest posts.
As you know, I live on the Third Coast. Now, that term may not mean anything to you. You may not have heard it before. You may be under the impression that the only coasts America claims are the West and the East.
But you'd be wrong.
The Third Coast is unique. Its inhabitants are some of the most generous, talented, and resilient of our nation. I grew up here, I work here, I learn here, and I can honestly say that I'm proud to be from one of the states along the Third Coast: Louisiana.
But I don't claim the Louisiana the rest of the United States seems to focus on: I don't claim the Louisiana that can only boast of being the birthplace of Britney Spears (why doesn't anyone mention the Mannings? Ellen? Randy Jackson? Ian Somerhalder?); I don't claim the Louisiana that only empowers corrupt businessmen and politicians; I don't claim the Louisiana that is lacking in health care and education but gaining strides in crime and childhood obesity.
I claim the Louisiana that boasts food you can't even imagine tasting (have you heard of Emeril? Yeah, I claim him). I claim the state that has withstood Katrina and Rita and the oil spill - offering neighbors a smile and a helping hand. We may be tired, worried, and fearful, but we are nothing if not hopeful.
This video Perez posted is beautiful - and I'm not just talking about the people and the scenery. The message itself is one that I was fortunate enough to grow up hearing but that many seem to forget: your one voice counts for so much more than you know.
Please watch the video, take in the message, and sincerely consider signing the petition. On behalf of my home, the entire Third Coast, and every other resident of the US who has had to face natural or man-made disasters, please sign the petition.
Everyone who signs the petition during the next few days (I'll give you a Sunday deadline), I will post your names (or hometowns if you wish) in the blog that night. Please be sure to send me your name via Twitter (@ClaireMBiggs of @Msmpr24seven) or via email (Msmpr24seven@gmail.com) with what you want to be listed as on the blog and a short message of why you're signing the petition. (Ex. - one of the celebs signs for the pelicans).
I don't know about you, but I'm signing for beignets. And crawfish. And gumbo...See, I knew I'd sneak food in here somehow.
But in all seriousness, I'm signing for hope for a better, cleaner, safer future. Please consider doing the same.
@ClaireMBiggs @Msmpr24seven
Special thanks to Perez Hilton for posting the video as well as the people who spent the time to lend their voices. (Some include: Blake Lively, Sandra Bullock, the Mannings, Dave Matthews, Lenny Kravitz, etc.) To watch the video, visit: http://perezhilton.com/2010-07-20-save-the-gulf-be-the-one. To sign the petition, visit http://www.restorethegulf.com/.
Thank you.
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