That wasn't too long of a wait, was it?
As promised, here is the latest on what's going on right. this. second.
Unless you've been chomping on macarons in Paris like the cast of Gossip Girl or been too busy dehydrating from this heatwave in NYC, it's clear Hollywood has been rocked by a series of celebrity scandals this week.
First, Lindsay. Oh, Lindsay. You couldn't just stay a cute little red-headed faux-twin forever, could you? This past week, Ms. Lohan was sentenced to 90 days in the slammer - a sentence she is hoping to stall, overturn, appeal (basically, she pretty much would like to do anything with the sentence than serve it...unless it was on the rocks. Ouch, that was low. I digress).
While Lindsay is currently interviewing lawyers to help her fight this supposed injustice of the court system, another former A-lister is facing legal woes of his own.
Mel Gibson, more famous for his anti-Semitic and racist rants than his many movie and directorial roles, is facing major media backlash now that certain tapes are hitting the gossip blogs. What kind of tapes, you ask? Well, romantic ones - ones where he threatens to bury the mother of his child in a rose garden.
Over the past few weeks Mel and Oksana have been trading barbs - each accusing the other of terrible, shocking things. Today, an announcement was made that Oksana's dentist is going to testify that Mel is a domestic abuser and was - in fact - beating the woman he claimed to love.
Sheesh. Where have all the goody-two shoes gone? Where are our Dianna Argon's? Where are our Jonas Brothers? Where have - thank you, Pink - the SMART people gone.
The lesson for today, kids? Don't do drugs, miss your alcohol-related probation classes, then tamper with your SCRAM bracelet...for all our sakes.
Only time will tell what will happen to two of our former Hollywood favorites, but only one thing is sure for now: the gossip mongers couldn't be happier!

NOTE: Domestic violence is nothing to take lightly. It has been found that it takes up to seven times for a woman to leave a spouse/partner after he first hits her. If you or someone you know if being abused, please get help. You can find resources here:http://www.ndvh.org/ (the National Domestic Violence Hotline).
They add:
Computer use can be monitored and is impossible to completely clear. If you are afraid your internet and/or computer usage might be monitored, please use a safer computer, and/or call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1−800−799−SAFE(7233) or TTY 1−800−787−3224.
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