Waste Not, Want Not: Will the Fashion Industry Embrace a Zero-Waste Existence?

Waste not, want not.

It's hard to turn on the TV, radio, or computer and not find a story involving the environment. It has become a way of life, and whatever your thoughts on the movement, it's going to be hard to avoid.

Sure, the eco-vists out there are already recycling, hanging their clothes dry, and maybe even composting their waste. However, no one, at least in the fashion world, is taking the eco-friendly movement as seriously as Parsons the New School for Design.

Starting next semester, the New School will offer courses in zero-waste fashion design. The New York Times recently published an article, "Fashion Tries on Zero Waste Design," which gives the history of the movement as well as the trials and tribulations of creating fashionable garments with little to no waste.

To read the NYT article, please visit: http://nytimes.com/2010/08/15/fashion/15waste.html

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