This Just In - Your Tweet Could Be Read at the Emmy Awards!

Jimmy Fallon announced Friday that viewers will be able to submit tweets that could be read at the Emmy Awards!

Starting tomorrow, NBC will have a link on their Web site where interested parties can submit their best introduction (remember - in 140 characters or less!) for the presenters.

Jon Hamm, January Jones, and Mathew Morrison have already been revealed as just a few of the actors presenting awards at this year's ceremony.

Fallon reveals that the user name will be read along with the description.

He gave the following example: "@blahblahblah says Jon Hamm is the hottest guy of all time. Here he is, Jon Hamm!"

Now, no offense to Fallon, but I'm betting you can come up with something a bit more creative! Starting brainstorming now for some witty one-liners and don't forget to check out NBC's Web site tomorrow to enter your tweet!
MSMPR24seven does not own the rights to the picture featured in this story.

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