Have you ever noticed how men can get super uncomfortable around crying women? Well, a new scientific study might explain why this is the case. Apparently, female tears emit chemical signals that actually turn men off.
ABC News recently reported the results of the study, which showed that male participants who smelled women’s tears had lower testosterone levels than men who smelled salt water.
While you might not be surprised at this “revelation,” the explanation behind it is pretty fascinating. First of all, tears that are shed because of emotion are chemically different from the tears shed because of an onion, or a poke in the eye. This is probably because emotional tears contain a sort of chemical distress signal, which would explain the lowered testosterone (which leads to lowered aggression).
So if you’re ever considering crying to calm your man down, just realize that you’ll also be turning him off — biologically.
Readers, what do you think of the results of this study?
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