The reviews are in and it seems no one is impressed with Tiger Woods' latest public relations campaign. As we reported last week, the golfer joined Twitter, was set to appear on Mike & Mike, and even wrote a Newsweek article, all in an effort to make America like him again.
It's true that Woods is the athlete America loves to hate right now, but that is what his media blitz is supposed to be fixing. The real question, however, is did it work?
Early reports say no. Tim Dahlberg, Sports Columnist for The AP, weighed in on the issue in his article, "Tiger Woods PR Campaign off to Shaky Start."
Dahlberg's main criticism is that while Woods' opened himself up to the public, he revealed nothing of himself - or worse, that there was nothing more to reveal.
As Ronn Torossian, president of 5W Public Relations notes, "People perceive him to be a complete fraud. Making a mistake in your personal life is one thing, but being seen as a complete insincere and fraudulent person is quite another."
Dahlberg goes on to note that not only is Woods taking a hit in his personal life, but he is also suffering in his golf game.
"The single worst thing that ever could happen to Tiger Woods may be happening," said Michael Kempner, president of MWW Group public relations. "He has gone from being immortal to being extraordinarily mortal."
Readers, what do you think of Woods' failed PR campaign? And has it really failed or is it just too soon to tell?
To read Dahlberg's full article, visit http://abcnews.go.com/Sports/wireStory?id=12200504.
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