PR fact of the day: Your job has not, is not, and will not ever only keep you in the office between the hours of 9am and 5pm. Those are bankers' hours or the hours of people who aren't actively responsible for influencing media coverage on a 24 hour schedule.
I started my new internship with a large celebrity PR firm this Wednesday, and if I've learned anything over the past three days, it's that you don't leave until the work gets done. If you have to come in at 7:30am and stay until well after midnight, well that's just the way it is.
PR tip: Get it done when you can.
Breathe. You have a lot to do and - it may seem like - not enough time to do it. Sometimes, you're going to have to take your work home with you. The best advice I can give you from someone just starting out into the wonderful world of PR is to take care of what is urgent immediately.
You will always have emails to answer, websites to clip, meetings to attend, but there are some things that just need to get done NOW. You can access your emails through your personal computer/smart phone; you can ask your interns to create web clips, and you have to go to the meeting anyway. Do what you know is necessary and keep yourself on a strict schedule - you'll keep yourself sane and you'll always know what needs to get done.
Did I mention, breathe? Things will get done, you will get home (eventually), you will sleep (maybe not much, but you will). So, breathe, and get working.
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