PR fact of the day: It's not easy to promote yourself in this day and age.
See, there's this little thing called ad clutter, which basically means that there are so many ads out there, that our minds have trouble cutting through everything we're seeing.(Note: this is why branding is so important).
PR tip: Use what you know.
Let's not reinvent the wheel, here. If you spend hours of your day trolling Twitter, don't migrate over to another medium to promote yourself. Use your skills and strengths, and follow Taylor Swift's example.
Swift, a regular on Twitter, announced today that she would be signing autographs for 13 hours (her favorite number) at the CMA Music Fest. The beauty of this announcement was that Ms. Swift announced on her own time, on her leisure, and with complete control; her followers on Twitter knew substantially more about the event than even most PR specialists. Plus, how cute of an idea is that? It not only makes her more endearing, but it might even capture the hearts of those fans weary of Ms. Swift's take on pop/country music. (Hey, it's just a thought).
True, while most people don't have nearly 3.4 million followers on Twitter, it is important to take notice of why it's important. Twitter is free, which means that even the non-profits on the strictest of budgets can operate it. It is an even playing field, with everyone, from the President of the United States to the ambitious yet undiscovered writer, able to create a profile, follow people, and get their 140 character message to the world.
If you need any more reasons why you should be on Twitter, consider this: the people behind this blog are on it. Follow me at @ClaireMBiggs and Marigo at @MarigoPR for all the news on MSMPR and what's going on in the world as we see it.
For more information or to start your own Twitter account, visit www.twitter.com. To find out more about Taylor Swift's 13 hour meet and greet, visit http://www.taylorswift.com/13-hour.
The Twitter logo is the property of Twitter, Inc. The photo of Taylor Swift was attributed to: www.chicagonow.com/blogs/ndigo-w...ade.html.
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