Woman Spends Thousands to Look Like a Drag Queen

By definition, drag queens are men, but 21-year-old Collagen Westwood (pictured above) has spent over $8,000 on plastic surgery, collagen injections, and clothing to look exactly like a bona fide “drag queen.”

Westwood, an aspiring singer who has admired drag queens since she was a child, said she intends to have breast augmentation and have some of her ribs removed so she can wear tighter corsets.

“I have a couple of different wigs that I wear when I go out, and people are always assuming I’m a transvestite. I love it when people mistake me for a man. It doesn’t offend me – I think drag queens look fantastic,’ she said. “They’re glamorous and beautiful – what woman wouldn’t want to look like that?”

Readers, what do you think of Collagen’s plastic look? Does this woman, who has surgically made herself look like a man dressed like a woman, strike you as glamorous or downright crazy? Share with us in the comments!

[via The Daily Mail]

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