Travel directory trivia: Marinduque Rising is No. 4

Bloglog is a blog directory and network where bloggers connect with readers and appears to increase their reach, among others.'s travel directory has today listed this blog as No. 4 (but slipping down some days).

It is interesting to be grouped with No. 1, Travel Feeder, 'a world travel photo blog by an avid travel photographer from Malaysia'; No. 2 is on 'insider tips for working in and visiting Japan'; No. 3 is Smitten by Britain, 'the world's first blog for Britophiles - people who love Great Britain'...

and No. 4 is Marinduque Rising, about 'people, places, events, culture, history and all that there is on Marinduque'.

Maybe, just maybe, Marinduque is rising, drawing interest somehow.

Cheers everyone!

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