'Let me see what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars...'
Dear Eli,
On October 3, Jupiter and Mars will square off with each other, creating a burst of energy that will shower down on you! When Jupiter is involved, you can pretty much count on something good coming your way. However, its alignment with Mars isn't quite as friendly as it could be, so there are also a couple pitfalls to beware of.
Mars is dynamic with a can-do spirit, while Jupiter is supremely confident. This can lead to a tendency to over-promise and overdo, yet still under-deliver. Jupiter also has a tendency to be a bit self-righteous and idealistic, and when paired with Mars' aggression, you could soon be ready to mount your own crusades. Slow down, take a deep breath, and make sure whatever you're fighting for is really worth all this.
On the flip side, that can-do spirit and confidence are exactly what you need to solve some major problems, or to make important strides forward with whatever project you're working on. You'll feel resourceful and full of vitality, and nothing will seem too big for you to tackle and conquer! Remember to temper your overconfidence with a dose of reality, and you really will be able to accomplish just about anything you put your mind to.
The effect Mars and Jupiter will have on the general ambiance is impressive, but how are they affecting you individually? As the planets move across the cosmos, their influences change, allowing you to grow and develop. Learn more about how all of the planets shape your continuing development with a free preview of the Planetary Influence Reading.
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