Tyler Shields' New Photo Shoot: Is Heather Morris "Barbie" or Battered?

On the popular television show "Glee," the characters have little more to watch out for than Sue Sylvester and the occasional wayward slushee. One of the characters' real-life alter egos, however, is contending with a fair amount of criticism at the moment in response to a recent photo shoot.

Heather Morris has easily been a fan favorite with her portrayal of Cheerio Brittany, but the starlet's recent shoot with Tyler Shields in giving even major "Gleeks" pause.

Shields describes the photos as exploring the idea that "even Barbie can bruise," but critics are accusing him of glamorizing domestic violence. Morris, clad in 1950s dresses, sporting a shiner under her eye and even being tied up with electrical cord, is not hard to see as a victim of faux domestic violence.

The photos can be seen here.

Readers, do you think the shoot is all in good fun or crossing a line?

MSMPR24seven does not own the rights to the photo above.

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