"Walang Tamad" and roadside maintenance boys

The “Walang Tamad sa Quezon” billboard in Sariaya installed by media practitioner and publisher Billy Andal many years ago, has inspired the “Walang Tamad sa Bahi” sign and other “Walang Tamad” signs in many towns and barangays in the region to promote the value of industry and self-help.

But this one, I saw in Brgy. Amoingon says something fair and just seemingly in response to those familiar signs, and for all and sundry to know: “WALANG TAMAD NA TAMBAY BASTA’T MAY UPA”.

Small wonder then that just across the street, even as the rain was pouring this morning, men in orange uniforms and caps, the roadside maintenance workers of DPWH Marinduque Office were busy caring for roadside trees to promote healthy trees, and promote unobstructed and aesthetically pleasing highways. The workers also prune the trees to avoid contact with telephone, cable-tv and electric power lines; they clean the roadside canals of mud and debris; and pave road shoulders with surface materials. They do look happy while working, while singing in the rain.

Highway cleared, trees pruned. Taken in the vicinity of Chateau du Mer, Amoingon.

Road shoulders paved with surface material, canals cleaned up.

DPWH truck collects tree limbs and all pruned material

Clearing to avoid contact with power lines and other charged wires

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