On the Island Campaign Trail

Senate President Pro Tempore and re-electionist senator Jinggoy Estrada who has consistently topped the list in various nationwide senatorial polls, visited Marinduque's six towns before the Holy Week. Photo shows Jinggoy with Marinduque Congressional candidate, Atty. Allan P.A. Velasco arriving in Torrijos to a welcoming crowd.

In Sta. Cruz church with Governor Bong Carrion.

Vice-Presidential candidate Loren Legarda was also here for a prayerful Black Saturday campaign, shown here as she's met at the airport by Col. Bing Carrion, sister of Gov. Carrion.
Loren at the airport welcomed by Gasan councilor Liza Lao, Mayor Vicky Lao-Lim, Vice-Governor Tom Pizarro, Col. Bing Carrion and supporters.

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