Ah, prêt. Meaning “ready” in French and usually followed by "a-porter," it is a sign that the seasons are changing, the couture houses are burning the midnight oil, and New Yorkers are anxiously awaiting this season’s runways show.
But have you heard about Prêt-A-Manger? Translating as “ready to eat” – or in the restaurant’s opinion “Just Made” – Prêt-A-Manger is a self-described cross between “a good restaurant, an Italian coffee bar and a bullet train.” And believe me, they’re not lying.
Since arriving in New York this past weekend, I’ve been keeping my eyes open for some good eats (because what else is an Italian girl raised in the South supposed to do?). While there are many worthy contenders on my “must-eat” list, Prêt-A-Manger stood out above the rest, which is why I found myself at their 55th Street and 6th Avenue location this past Tuesday. Don’t worry if you don’t have time to hop on the subway to get to Midtown; Prêt-A-Manger boasts 24 locations in New York City alone!
To cut to the chase, the food was excellent, the prices reasonable, and the employees charming. One of my favorite things about Prêt-A-Manger is how passionate they are about the entire process. When you look on their walls, you’ll see that they never keep their sandwiches overnight to sell the next day. In their words, they “never have, never will.”
So whether you’re in Lower Manhattan, Midtown East, or Midtown West, check out Prêt-A-Manger, which is sure to lull you out of your Dunkin Donuts obsession. To find the Prêt-A-Manger nearest you, visit http://www.pret.com/us/find_a_pret/.
The Heart of the Matter
As Prêt-A-Manger never keeps their food overnight, they are looking for charities or shelters that are in need of their sandwiches and food that hasn’t sold. If you know of a charity, shelter, or organization that would benefit from receiving Prêt-A-Manger’s sandwiches, please contact Danielle Penn at danielle.penn@pret.com.
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