Marinduque in my Heart
Am sharing this video that I presented as a birthday & goodbye present to Atty. Allan "P.A." Velasco, who ended his term as Marinduque administrator yesterday. Video shows some of the cultural and tourism-related activities that he helped introduce during his two-year stint at the capitol.
It's P.A.'s Birthday Party!
"P.A." throws a birthday-despedida party for his supporters and fans at the Mogpog Covered Court this afternoon from 4:00 pm.
Atty. Allan "P.A." Velasco recently took his oath as member of the administration party, Lakas-Kampi-CMD. Set to file his candidacy for a national position in the May 2010 elections in the Philippines, he will be leaving his post as provincial administrator by the end of this month.
Velasco served as chairman of the Marinduque Provincial Tourism Council during his two-year stint in the provincial government. He undertook related projects and activities in cooperation with the office of the governor, the provincial council, provincial tourism office, local LGUs, cultural organizations, tourism agencies and Team Marinduque. Initial thrust is for the island-province to make a strong presence in the promotion of the island as a haven for adventure sports and community-based tourism.
All-out promotion and development of Marinduque tourism and allied services and industries shall be his 'reason for being' if elected. P.A. is president of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP), Marinduque Chapter.
He is the son of Associate Justice Presbitero Velasco, Jr. of the Supreme Court of the Philippines and former Marinduque beauty queen Lorna Quinto-Velasco of Mogpog-Torrijos.
She sells seashells...
Hidden beach with a past, Gaspar Island

This island figured prominently in the journal by a French naturalist who explored Marinduque in 1881, Alfred Marche. He may have referred to the crevice from where the above photo was taken: "About 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the sea being calm, on another exploration of the coast, we visited a few crevices and discovered a grotto, the entrance of which was hidden by debris produced by a volcanic convulsion... I entered and, having the ground dug, I found out that the bottom was carpeted with a bed of skulls slightly covered by madreporic debris and sand." (Marche)
10th Philippine Hobie Challenge - Marinduque Leg
Engwirda however put in an extra squirt of speed at the end to finish just over a minute ahead. These two Australian teams were a full 12 minutes clear of 3rd placed Andrew Locke, also representing Australia.
Bob Engirda’s overall time of 2 Hrs 46 Min and 34 Sec equated to an incredible average speed of 13.3 Knots for the 36.9 nm leg, including the final 5 miles in light and variable winds.
Governor Bong Carrion hosted a sumptuous dinner for the competitors and support crews that evening as the full moon rose in the heavens."
Behind Extreme Marinduque

Abandoned for five decades, this hallowed ground has become a Mecca for extreme sports enthusiasts, offering adrenaline rush-guaranteed sports events suited for athletic men and women with nerves of steel. This is the present home of Team Marinduque for its Aggressive Cross-Country Mountain Bike Race, Offroad Duathlon Competition and other adventure sports like motocross and airsoft.
Race Director is Dr. Edgar Ancheta, with Dr. Josue Victoria as Race Grand Marshall. Romeo Mabiog, Sr. is Team Marinduque president. A project of the Provincial Government of Marinduque led by Gov. Jose Antonio N. Carrion, Atty. Lord Allan Velasco, Marinduque Tourism Council president and Team Marinduque.
Two weeks ago a group of visitors from Germany similarly organized in association with DRV Insider-Tour, Baron Travel Corporation, Department of Tourism, Bellarocca and the provincial government visited a butterfly farm in Gasan..

Derek at Bellarocca

Bellarocca is currently offering special packages to friends and families wishing extra vacation before the year ends, visit
Photo: Cosmopolitan Philippines
Marinduque on Tripfilms
Watch more Marinduque videos at features nearly 5,900 "inspiring, informative travel videos from real travellers", one of them by "wanderlass", of Marinduque's popular tourist sites. There's real fun and excitement on the video among the island visitors.
View of the steep Malindig Volcano between Melchor and Baltazar Islands off the coast of Gasan.
The sea between Mindoro and Marinduque is often choppy. The worst peacetime maritime disaster in the world occured here (Dec. 20, 1987), when the ferry "Dona Paz" carrying more than 4,000 passengers disembarked from Tacloban City to Manila and collided with MT Vector, an oil tanker en route from Bataan to Masbate.
Baltazar Island in Gasan, Marinduque, Philippines is one of the 'Tres Reyes Islands' that boasts of an excellent divesite with an underwater cave. Team Marinduque promotes adventure sports here including scuba diving. Baltazar is only one of many known divesites around this island-province.
Also view other marinduquegov videos HERE.

Many years ago, one moonless night, my friends and I camping out atop the mountains of Mahinhin, central Marinduque, were amazed to see a spectacle of meteors shooting in different intervals that lasted until dawn... with some lull in-between.
Little did we know that each year at about the same time on Nov. 17-18 there’s really something called the Leonid meteor shower occurring. Yet it was quite an experience to be on an open space with the sky all around us putting on a unique show of stars shooting and no one could explain why.
Starting tonight, I’ll be on the beach in Bahaghari, Amoingon to find out what will be up in the sky this time, shooting stars falling down in dramatic bursts or just a few one could count on his fingers. Maybe one occasion, this, when one wished there'd be a brownout again so the stars wouldn't be drowned out by the lights.

“Urban dwellers and suburbanites will see far fewer, as the fainter meteors will be drowned out by local lights. The best viewing will be in rural areas. Get out of town if you can. If you have local lights, scout a location in advance where the lights are blocked by a building, tree or hill.”
From “The Leonid meteors are debris shed into space by Comet Tempel-Tuttle, which swings through the inner solar system at intervals of 33.25 years, looping around the sun then heading back into the outskirts of the solar system. With each visit the comet leaves behind a trail of dust in its wake.”
Nov. 18 early a.m., Asia/India/Indonesia.
"The "Main Event" in 2009 is expected to take place when the Earth has rotated about 12 to 14 hours after passing through the first round of comet dust from 1567. Astronomers Jeremie Vaubaillon (France), Mikhail Maslov (Russia), David Asher (Ireland), and Bill Cooke and Danielle Moser (NASA's Meteoroid Environment Office/MEO) are all in agreement that material that was ejected from the nucleus of Tempel-Tuttle during the years 1466 and 1533 will likely produce a very strong meteor display over much of Asia, India and Indonesia."
So, cheers to the meteors we'll sing to and catch on the beach!
(Photos courtesy of Brian Scott & Chip Griffin.
On the power outages that got more constant and longer last September, Napocor’s Engr. Danilo Barcase explained to the provincial council in a meeting held at the session hall on Sep. 30, 2009, that the situation was brought about by Napocor’s failure to repair genset unit #2, with no units available for use as back up. The power company had to seek the intervention of technicians from Daihatsu, expected to arrive on October 7, Barcase said, as the extent of the neceesary repairs was much worse than they expected.
Barcase also reported that in view of this situation and based on the recommendation of NPC Vice-President Mel Chiu, NPC president Tampinco has ordered the shipment to Marinduque of a 3 MW surplus unit from Palawan, made possible through an existing contract with Agrekko.
By this time in September, technical inspection of the plant in Bantad was already undertaken by the NPC representative who arrived in Marinduque for this purpose. This unit was expected to be shipped from Palawan on October 11, Barcase said in the same meeting.
By this time, the capacity of Napocor was effectively reduced to only 3.1 MW, or down to half the peak load requirement for Marinduque registered at 6.76 MW, power shedding in the different areas of the province had to be undertaken.
Bercase also informed the provincial council that as a result of an earlier meeting between Napocor and Marelco on Sept. 11, 2009, Chiu ordered the return of gensets much earlier pulled-out out from the province in expectation of the commercial operation of 3i Powergen. An Interim Supply Agreement with Marelco was already being drafted in relation to this, he added.
Bueno, as Marelco general manager, stated that he had recommended to the Board to look for a new power provider (other than 3i Powergen), to supply electricity in Marinduque for the next 15 years, adding that Napocor gensets are already too old.
On the issue of rescission of the agreement with 3i Powergen, Marelco’s director Beethoven Arevalo, stated that a resolution has already been adopted by the Marelco board rescinding the contract, but based on the PSA it had to undergo an arbitration process for a period of 90 days that started on September 11, “Sa katunayan.. mayroon ng resolusyon ang Board na pinapawalang bisa ang kontrata subalit batay sa Power Supply Agreement (PSA) kailangan pang dumaan ito sa 90 araw na arbitration na nag-umpisa noong Setyembre 11.” (Arevalo, Sept. 30.09).
With respect to the NPC-SPUG letter dated Sept. 4, 2009, the first document related to the power outages that this blogger got hold of, and used as lead in attempting to unearth the riddles of this convoluted maze of a case, Marelco merely coursed the letter to 3i Powergen instead of responding to NPC-SPUG squarely. This, obviously is a matter needing decisive, urgent action and... transparency. NPC wished “to know the status of privatization of power generation in your area, and the level of energy that will be nominated to NPC for the period (2010).”
Asked during the Sept. 30 meeting why Marelco turned instead to 3i for response, considering that Marelco had variously declared before the provincial council of the coop’s assessment, to which the council also completely agreed to - that the said new power provider is no longer capable of pursuing the power generation project; that in fact Marelco has made a move to rescind the contract, Bueno responded by saying that “...up to now Marelco does not know the status of the project with 3i Powergen, as it has not presented any update...”
Then he blurted that Marelco has not yet adopted a resolution rescinding the contract. Committee chair Raza wished to be clarified: “Wala pa’ng naipasang resolution?”
Bueno: “Wala pa.”
A Burt Bacharach song goes: "The world is a circle without a beginning and nobody knows where it really ends." Circles. "Round and round in circles."
Marinduque (population: 235,000) has often been described as the most peaceful province in the Philippines, second only to Batanes in terms of negative crime rate. While it remains the only 4th class province in the Mimaropa region, many people are extremely fascinated by the lethargic, laid-back ambience that this beautiful island-province exudes.
But there's a limit to the peace-loving people's patience. The power failures that escalated in September and early October, largely unexplained to the masa, often deliberately by the very institutions involved in the energy supply and distribution systems, and in instalments before official bodies, however, were ripe for mass action to be undertaken, and for silence to be broken.

Bishop of Boac, The Most Rev. Reynaldo G. Evangelista, then issued a Pastoral Letter on October 6, 2009, addressed to priests, nuns, lay-leaders, members of the laity and the people of the province about the need for all to speak out and assert, among others:
a. To teach a lesson to politicians who do not respond to the needs of the people; not to make the mistake of accepting money or favors during the election period in exchange for votes; to unite, stand up, and together vote for those who have compassion for the people.
b. Seek the truth behind the brown-outs that are being experienced and hold responsible all the agencies of government, politicians, and others who have caused our suffering.
c. To call on all sectors of society, NGOs, the youth, businessmen to join a peaceful rally on Monday, October 12, 2009, at 9:00am at the capitol grounds and Marelco; to wear ‘black’ symbolizing dismay to those in government who were remiss in their duties, causing the massive brown-outs.
The said letter also questioned Marelco’s claims on the cause of the power failures, such as “a). they owed a huge debt from NPC; b) there are many delnquent members/consumer; c). high cost and inadequate supply of diesel; d). huge sums of money spent for repairs/rehabilitation and maintenance of electrical lines and posts; e). system loss in the operation of Marelco.”
“But, is this really the truth behind the frequent brownouts, or are there deeper reasons that are probably being concealed from the knowledge of our people? What concrete step or solution has been undertaken by Marelco, the municipal and provincial governments on this issue?
"Whatever happened to the contract signed on September 27, 2005 among Marelco, Napocor and 3i Powergen, during the administration of then Congressman Edmundo Reyes, Jr. and former Governor Carmencita Reyes, that should have started supplying electricity in the province since February 2007?”, the letter stated in part.
Bishop Evangelista, thus, exhorted the people “to brace each other’s arms for solutions to our problems and for real change to take place in our beloved province”.
(to be continued)
NPC letter to Marelco 9.4.09.
Marelco letter to 3i Powergen 9.29.09.
Katitikan Sangguniang Panlalawigan ika-44 na Karaniwang Pulong, Agosto 11, 2008.
Transcript of records of the Committee Hearing, Committee on Public Utilities, Re: Status of power supply in the province of Marinduque, July 6, 2009, at the Damian Reyes Session Hall, Boac, Marinduque.
Katitikan Sangguniang Panlalawigan ika-83ng Karaniwang Pulong, Setyembre 30.09.
Liham Pastoral Blg. 4, Serye 2009, Diocese of Boac, Oktubre 6, 2009.
'Manifesto' from Gasan distributed on Sept. 30, 2009 at the Capitol Session Hall.
Power Supply Agreement between Marelco & 3i Powergen, Inc., 2005.
Subsidy Agreement, Napocor, Marelco & 3i Powergen, Inc. 9.27.2005.
Joint Declaration of Realization of the Effective Date of the Power Supply Agreement between 3i Powergen, Inc. and Marelco, 3.2.2006.
Phase-in Phase-out Agreement, Marelco, 3i Powergen, Inc. & Napocor, 3.9.2006.
1st Supplemental Agreement to the Power Supply Agreement and Subsidy Agreement, Marelco, 3i Powergen, Inc., Napocor, 3.9.2006.
Two ports serving the towns on the westside of Marinduque (Mogpog, Boac, Gasan and Buenavista)and linking Marinduque to Batangas, Mindoro, Quezon, Metro Manila and the Visayan islands are BALANACAN PORT and CAWIT PORT.
Balanacan is 27 nautical miles to Dalahican (Lucena), 57 nautical miles to Batangas; sea distance to Manila is 150 nautical miles.
Two months ago, Viva Shipping Lines, launched its Balanacan-Lucena and Balanacan-San Juan routes with the tourist class RORO vessel, "STARHORSE". (Rates: P260 (a/c); P180(reg); vehicles (approx: P1,600). These are much lower than the rates offered by Montenegro Shipping (Reg. P270; vehicles (approx. P2,500)
M/V STARHORSE SCHEDULE (3 hours): (Viva Shipping Lines)
Mondays to Fridays:
Saturdays & Sundays:
M/V SOPHIA SCHEDULE (3 hours): (Montenegro Shipping Lines)
M/V MA. REBECCA SCHEDULE (3 hours): (Montenegro Shipping Lines)
FASTCRAFT schedule (2 hours)VIA M/V LUCENA CITY:

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them?* “
... or perchance to dream, not to sleep,
but remain awake to oppose and end
our sea of troubles...
Sakamar, which stands for Samahan ng mga Kabataang Marinduqueno, is a youth organization established as a venue where the Marinduqueno youth from schools and colleges here and from various parts of the country could have the opportunity to interact with each other and build dreams together in a spirit of harmony and friendship.
Spearheaded by Romeo Mataac, a Marinduqueno professor at Rizal Technological University in Mandaluyong City, the two-year old organization has conducted leadership training seminars, joined advocacy activities in the Metro and has partnered with other Marinduque organizations to undertake socio-civic or academic-related projects.
It continues to establish ties with current Marinduque students or alumni from such schools as the University of the Philippines, Marinduque State College, Our Mother of Perpetual Succor Academy, Educational Systems Technological Institute and others to create a” home environment” wherever its members or prospective members may be.

* From Hamlet's Soliloquy. Photos courtesy of sakamar &
Team Marinduque describes "EXTREME MARINDUQUE SERIES 2" as "an aggressive cross-country mountain bike race and offroad duathlon specifically designed for athletic men and women with nerves of steel!"

"The scenic race track is a classical description of an aggressive cross-country race covering a 5.2 kms loop with varying degree of difficuties with a lot of technical drops, turns, climbs and mind boggling mud pits and rock beds... expect extreme conditions."

Date: Nov. 28 & 29, 2009
Venue: CMI Old Minesite, Capayang, Mogpog, Marinduque
Photos: Dr. Josue Victoria

"The scenic race track is a classical description of an aggressive cross-country race covering a 5.2 kms loop with varying degree of difficuties with a lot of technical drops, turns, climbs and mind boggling mud pits and rock beds... expect extreme conditions."

Date: Nov. 28 & 29, 2009
Venue: CMI Old Minesite, Capayang, Mogpog, Marinduque
Photos: Dr. Josue Victoria

Started in 2007 by the provincial tourism office and Team Marinduque the local competition has seen all types of cyclists from everywhere joining scheduled races here such as Duathlon, Aggressive Cross-Country Races, Triathlon and Fun Rides around Marinduque. It has also encouraged beginners to join the activities, leading to the discovery of home-grown talents capable of joining national competitions, and the promotion of the green-tourism concept.

Categories for "Marinduque Extreme Series 2" are open for Beginners/Novices, Open/Elite, and Executive. The event this month is expected to draw to Marinduque not only the participants but their families as well as hotel bookings reveal.
Busy with the preparations are the capitol's Dr. Jose Victoria, Dr. Ed Ancheta, tourism officer Gerry Jamilla, coordinator Joven Lilles and provincial administrator Allan Velasco and other members of Team Marinduque province-wide.
His kabayans gave Omar non-stop applause and cheers. All the schools in poblacion Mogpog excused their pupils and students to be able to watch the auditions.
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